DVDs as Frisbee substitutes glistening in the sun.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yet another Jack White side band featuring Naomi Watts... I see it happening.

The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights - Emmett Malloy - 2009

We follow The White Stripes as they tour each province in Canada. This documentary is pretty trippy, no pun intent, and a lot went into the editing. Much was black and white and lots of color manipulation. Lots of show footage. They apparently don't do set lists, and they just improvise while they're on stage. They also did a bunch of side shows where they wouldn't post their location until 10mins - 1hour before playing. One show was on a bus, one in a dinky coffee shop with an infant front row, and a bowling alley. So sick. They even went to an Indian (Native Canadian?) reserve and played for them, while they shared music as well. Meg White smoked lots of cigarettes so that's my guess as to why she rarely talks and Jack is a mic-whore. How The White Stripes married blues and rock is completely genius and still rank in my top favorite bands. If I were any younger Jack White with hearts over the "i" would be plastered all over my trapper keeper.

Look out for: Caribou sushi with soy sauce for dipping...

Rating: []Like It [X]Love It []Gotta Have It

Gattaca - Andrew Niccol - 1997

Recommended by: S Nair

Being conceived the old fashion way may mean you'll live a piss poor life in the future. Ethan Hawke (Vincent) plays an "In-Valid" whose DNA has "no matter how hard I try I will never succeed" written all over it, that is until he adopts Jude Law's urine, blood, hair--the whole package. Jude (Eugene) is "Valid" but unfortunately is in a wheel chair. Vincent desperately wants to fly into space and Eugene's DNA is his ticket there. Vincent goes completely incognito to dupe the space academy that he is Eugene. There's a problem, though. One, just one, of real-Vincent's eyelashes was found at the scene of a murder so they're trying to hunt this "In-Valid" down. I don't recall much humor or comic relief in this film. I think I would have appreciated this movie more when it came out, but it's certainly worth a watch. Aside from the fact that I love Jude Law.

Look out for: Ethan's smoke tricks.

Rating: [Sorta]Like It []Love It []Gotta Have It

21 Grams - Alejandro González Iñárritu - 2003

Recommended by: S Nair

I used to hate Benecio Del Toro but this film completely erased any resentment I had. Conversely, I've always liked Sean Penn and Naomi Watts and this film just reinforces my enthusiasm for their work. I just realized this is my first Naomi Watts film in a few months not directed by David Lynch. Anyway, Penn (Paul) is a professor whose significant other desperately wants his baby, but Paul's life is in limbo because he needs a heart transplant. Watts (Christina) plays an ex-drug addict with a husband and 2 girls. Del Toro (Jack) is a convicted felon who is trying to now live his life under Jesus. These three progressively become a part of eachother's lives. It's a bit confusing in the beginning, but kind of like the down-effect of a drug, the haze clears and things make sense eventually. One of the best drug film plots I've seen in a long time. Watch this one!

Look out for: Plenty of parallism and motifs to shoot through your veins.

Rating: []Like It [X]Love It []Gotta Have It

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