DVDs as Frisbee substitutes glistening in the sun.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I started this blog my senior year to document things that make me happy. "Permanent Daylight" is taken from a Radiohead song title and I think the those words together create the potential for a pretty sweet mental outlook.

The "Permanent Daylight" blog has been stagnant for nearly a year, and actually turned into more of a concert review blog. Fail. Rereading my entries I found them riddled with profanity and poor grammar (think drunk texting). Consequently I deleted all 4 entries. "Permanent Daylight" as a title for a Netflix blog is the biggest non-sequitor ever, but I'm keeping it because I really really love that title.

I subscribed to Netflix about 1.5 months ago. A huge chuck were recommendations from friends. I don't take recommendations just to be polite! I want to explore the kinds of movies my friends like and you will see your movie blogged here. Call me out if you don't!
The recommendations so far have been pretty dope. So, I started this blog to return the favor.

My backlog is 12+ movies to write about (20+ currently in my queue) so I'll be updating this blog frequently. I'll write them in the order I watched them. If you're expecting a critical analysis you'll be horribly disappointed. It's kind of quantity over quality at the moment, so treat the entries like rants.

Entries will include who recommended, things to watch out for, and the ColdStone rating system. I'm making a conscious effort not to "ruin" any of the movies with spoilers.

Thanks to all those who recommended movies--keep them coming!


American Beauty - Sam Mendes - 1999

My first Netflix rental was American Beauty. I got a lot of crap everytime someone found out I haven't seen this so I knew I had to watch it ASAP. I have yet to watch a Kevin Spacey play a role that didn't creep me out. I will say this was one of his friendliest roles, though. As someone who lives in the suburbs I can't say any film's representation of our world has ever been flattering, rather almost always satirical. Hmm. The 'burbs are seemingly stellar... then you realize every subdivision has their own Edward Scissorhands. Mrs. Burnham did a great job of displaying how hard suburbanites try sometimes, to fit in and compete with your co-inhabitants, manipulating your own family at any and all costs. I didn't realize this movie was full of twists, I guess it's a nice parallel to how the suburbs actually are (you're no better off moving here, srsly). I would watch this again.

Look out for: What drug money can buy you.

Rating: []Like It [X]Love It []Gotta Have It

Iron Man - Jon Favreau - 2008

Recommended by: SD Parker

I wanted to rent this when it first came out on DVD but Parker discouraged me from watching it. He warned me that it was such an epic movie and because I was watching it so late, I completely missed the bandwagon and would have no one to share the excitement with. I found out a few months ago he was just kidding, so I anxiously made this 1/2 of my very first Netflix rental. I watched this with my dad and conveniently I found it more family-friendly than many other superhero movies (Spider-Man, the Batmans, Watchmen, etc.). I felt it lacked emotionally-gripping drama and skimped on the sex. Don't get me wrong--Robert Downey Jr. did a bad ass job. I really liked how his character was the smartest man alive turned weapon maker and I think that's the coolest job in the universe (if only!). Special effects + filthy rich protagonist = the coolest looking action sequences. That is the formula for superhero movies.

Look out for: Does Gweneth Paltrow do Iron Man's dry cleaning?

Rating: []Like It [X]Love It []Gotta Have It

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